Dakota Chapter 2018 Best Paper and Poster Award Winners

Best Professional Paper: Comparison of Day and Night Electrofishing to sample Smallmouth Bass in Natural Lakes of Eastern South Dakota. Brian Blackwell, Todd Kaufman, Tyrel Moos, Mark Ermer, Steve Kennedy Ryan Braun

Best Student Paper: Comparison of hydroacoustic survey designs for coldwater forage assessment in a Missouri River reservoir. Nicholas Kludt, Brian D.S. Graeb, Mark J. Fincel

Best Professional Poster: (TIE) Comparison of short-term survival of electroshocked and ladder caught Chinook Salmon in Lake Oahe, South Dakota. Brandon Maahs, Hilary Meyer, Robert Hanten, Mark Fincel


Catch Raceway Escapement of Chinook Salmon at Whitlocks Bay Spawning Station. Dylan Gravenhof, Brandon Maahs, Hilary Meyer, Robert Hanten, Mark Fincel

Best Student Poster: Exploring Daphnia size structure to investigate potential for Rainbow Smelt and Cisco competition. Allison J. Shorter, Joseph M. Kretchman, Nicholas B. Kludt, Brian D.S. Graeb and Mark J. Fincel