2008 Annual Meeting Sioux Falls, South Dakota Wayne Nelson-Stastny (left) congratulates Kris Edwards on winning the fictitious, “I’m So Glad YOU Are Doing The Night-Sampling” Award. Tom Gengerke (left) celebrates his final day on the job with Iowa DNR with Jim Riis at the joint Iowa and Dakota Chapter meeting. Steve Chipps, left, congratulates his student, Steve Ranney, winner of the Best Student Paper Award. South Dakota State University students Mark Fincel (left) and Bethany Galster gleefully transact business during the student raffle. Sauger Scholarship winners, all from South Dakota State University, from left, Bethany Galster, Jonah Dagel, Jeff Grote, Nathan Kuntz, and South Dakota University Subunit President Andy Jansen. Ryan Schmaltz, left, receives the Schmulbach Memorial Scholarship from Dakota Chapter President Todd St. Sauver. Dakota Chapter President Todd St. Sauver, left, bestows the Distinguished Professional Service Award to Ron Koth.