Best Student Poster – Feasibility of Oxytetracycline Marking Juvenile White Bass: Mortality and Mark Visibility. Matthew A. Perion, Benjamin J. Schall, Casey W. Schoenebeck, Keith D. Koupal, and Bryan Sweet.
Best Student Paper – Petri Dish Incubations of Landlocked Fall Chinook Salmon Eggs. Hannah Neumiller, Gretchen Blain, and Michael E. Barnes.
Best Professional Poster – Survival of Gizzard Shad after Dummy Transmitter Implantation. Hilary Meyer, Robert Hanten, Mark Fincel and Jacob L. Davis.
Best Professional Paper – Airborne Formaldehyde Levels during Simulated Formalin Treatments in Vertical-Flow Incubators at a Production Fish Hatchery. Jill M. Voorhees and Michael E. Barnes.