
Founded in 1870 as the American Fish Culturists’ Association, the American Fisheries Society (AFS) is now an international society with over 8,000 members in 75 countries. AFS is open to anyone with an interest in aquatic science and education. Members include fisheries managers, biologists, fish culturists, researchers, administrators, educators, students, and other fisheries and aquatic resource professionals.

The American Fisheries Society:
  • Promotes sound scientific research and sustainable management of fisheries resources
  • Publishes five of the world’s leading fisheries journals and numerous technical books
  • Organizes scientific meetings where new findings are reported and discussed
  • Encourages comprehensive education and professional development for fisheries professionals

The Dakota Chapter of the American Fisheries Society was originally organized as the Upper Missouri River Chapter in 1963. The Chapter is a participating member of the North Central Division, one of several North American geographical subdivisions within the AFS. Student subunits, such as those found at South Dakota State University and Valley City State University, are affiliates of the Dakota Chapter and organized under the NCD Student and Early Career Professionals Affairs Committee (SECPAC).

The Chapter provides several annual awards to professionals, conservation groups, and students as well as scholarship opportunities to students (see Chapter Awards). Two scholarships, the Schmulbach Memorial Scholarship and the Sauger Scholarship, are awarded to undergraduate fisheries students each year.

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