Standing Committees

Northern Pike (Esox lucius)

DCAFS Operations

Planning Dave Fryda (Co-chair, ND) Brian Blackwell (Co-chair, SD) Paul Bailey (ND) Information and Web Support Liz Renner (DCAFS Webmaster, SD) Awards and Nominations Brian Blackwell (Chair, SD) Paul Bailey (ND) BJ Schall (SD) Continuing Education Vacant – TBD Student Affairs Vacant – TBD Membership Matt Ward (chair, SD) Casey Williams (ND) Jake Davis (SD) Resolutions Chelsey Pasbrig (SD) Gene Galinat (SD) Environmental Concerns Jake Davis (co-chair, SD) Michael Johnson (co-chair, ND)

Technical Committees

NCD Rivers and Streams Technical Committee Representative Joshua Wert (ND) NCD Walleye Technical Committee Representatives Dylan Gravenhof (SD) Todd Caspers (ND) NCD Centrarchid Technical Committee Representative Amy Gebhard (SD) Todd Kaufman (SD) NCD Esocid Technical Committee Representative Paul Bailey (SD) NCD Salmonid Technical Committee Representative Zach Kjos (ND) Bob Hanten (SD) NCD Ictalurid Technical Committee Representative Christopher Cheek (SD) NCD Community and Urban Fishery Technical Committee Representative Jeff Merchant (ND)

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